Predictions For Streaming and Social Media

With the recent events surrounding the pandemic, a lot of things set to be released have been put on hold. Even so the future is still bright for upcoming projects. In the near future, there will be many new innovations for streaming and social media. Streaming and social media is a vital part of young people and adults around the world. I'm pretty sure in the near future big things will come for streaming and social media. Streaming as of now is booming because of Covid-19 forcing people to watch shows continuously while in quarantine. I feel another big streaming service will come to emerge to give most watched services such as Hulu and Netflix a run for their money. The streaming service will probably bring the best of both worlds combining the likes of Hulu and Netflix elements for a jam-packed streaming service. These days streaming services are on popular demand. With the release of Disney Plus that brings nostalgia and childhood memories from the past to viewers with classic Disney shows and movies. This was a step in the right direction to pave the way for more streaming services to come. I think the rise of streaming services will never die out because of high use and need for watching shows any or everywhere.

Moving on social is also another big part of today's society and there are huge predictions for the future of social media. Social media is an ever-growing or ever-changing system. Social media always has new elements to it not only each every year but almost something new every day. In the near future, Facebook will cease to exist and another platform will take its place. More than likely, in the same fashion as Facebook but more modern. Tik Tok taking over for what was once the Vine era has everyone talking. Tik Tok is an avenue for not only young people but the older generation to flourish also. Tik Tok has taken the world by storm. With Tik Tok moving big this 2020 who knows what's in store for the future. Tik Tok being the most successful this year it's no secret that in the future they will create another worldwide phenomenon platform that captures everyone's eyes. While we live our new normal, things in the world are changing for the future and they can better situate us. No one can see into the future but the future of streaming and social media looks very promising.

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