#9 Classroom Blog Critique

First off I would like to say I enjoy everyone's blogs this year. Everyone has a different style of writing or how they compose the appearance of their blog. Everyone has a unique sense of blogging. It's very hard to decipher whose blog to critique because everyone did exceptional work. There are some students whose work fascinates you with their craftiness and you really appreciate their knack for blogging. So I have selected a few students whose blogs really captivate my eyes.

Lindsey's Blog
I thoroughly enjoyed Lindsey's Blog. I would like to commend her on the style of her blog. I really like the black and teal/baby blue background. I like how her white writing transcends on the black and blue background. Also her way of writing is very professional. The topics she chooses to research are fun and innovative. Also enjoy the title she uses for her blogs. Like for her binge-watching assignment she titled the assignment Did I Just Sit There For Hours? or assignment four for advertising analysis titled Tugging at the Heartstrings? The way she titled them makes them more appealing to the eye to view them. Overall, I think Lindsey did an amazing job on her blog and very entertaining to look at. If you would like to check out her blog click here.

Colby's Blog
Colby Clinton's blog is incredibly good. He provides a lot of information on the topics he researches and puts emphasis on every blog. His writing in particular is very good. Colby has a way of writing like a professional columnist and incorporates his own narrative into his writing. The pictures Colby picks to go with his blog really help the narrative and understand the topics on each blog. That one blog over Product Review is where the hilarious pictures come to life. The pictures are hilarious but much needed to get his point across for that particular topic. Link to Colby's Blog right here

Katie's Blog
Katie Graham always delivers great work on her blog because of her exceptional photography skills. It enhances the quality of her blog and I really praise her for that. It really shows on her blog and makes her blog stand the most. I really enjoy her layout of her blog and how her name is displayed across her blog. She knows what pictures will go well with certain topics on her blog and executes how her blog comes out. Her writing style is innovative. Her personality shines through her writing and you know put her all on her blog. For Katie's outstanding blog click here

Elizabeth's Blog
Last but not least is Elizabeth's Blog. I will say every time I see Elizabeth's blog it blows me away. Her work is always top notch. Her writing, analysis, and narrative is on point. The topics we are given and what she chooses to do with them are always different from everyone. Her blogs are particularly long but that just serves that she put a lot of time and effort to make her blogs perfect. You can learn so much from her blog altogether. Her blog always appears professional and well thought out. Elizabeth's blog is not one to miss out on Check it out here

Excellent Job Stock Photos And Images - 123RFUHS Lab Service staff does great job


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